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Milton Keynes Business Data is a trading name of TNS Business Development Ltd, company number 15761275


Terms & Conditions

These terms & conditions comprise the entire sales conditions and these terms supersede any agreements that were made previously. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement.

The Business Data you are purchasing is of Limited Companies only, as per UK Companies House information. For the list of 500 records, the Business Data includes: the company name, the company email address, company phone number, website url where available, physical address of the Milton Keynes business location, whether that address is headquarters, branch or UK headquarters, sector, number of employees according to LinkedIn, number of staff on LinkedIn, SIC Codes, SIC Codes Description, Company Number from Companies House, Company Status from Companies House, date when information found.


For the list of 21837, it's a list of 21837 companies whose companies house registered office address was in Milton Keynes as of March 2022. 1034 company email addresses (info@,sales@) included and 941 company office landline phone numbers included. Data includes the following column header information: CompanyName, CompanyNumber, Email, Phone, RegAddress.CareOf, RegAddress.POBox, RegAddress.AddressLine1, RegAddress.AddressLine2, RegAddress.PostTown, RegAddress.County, RegAddress.Country, RegAddress.PostCode, CompanyCategory, CompanyStatus, CountryOfOrigin, IncorporationDate, Accounts.AccountRefDay, Accounts.AccountRefMonth, Accounts.NextDueDate,  Accounts.LastMadeUpDate, Accounts.AccountCategory, Returns.NextDueDate, Returns.LastMadeUpDate, Mortgages.NumMortCharges, Mortgages.NumMortOutstanding,  Mortgages.NumMortPartSatisfied, Mortgages.NumMortSatisfied, SICCode.SicText_1, SICCode.SicText_2, SICCode.SicText_3, SICCode.SicText_4, LimitedPartnerships.NumGenPartners, LimitedPartnerships.NumLimPartners, URI, ConfStmtNextDueDate, ConfStmtLastMadeUpDate, Companies House Data Last Updated Date, Date When Looked for/Obtained Email/Phone.

Once you have purchased the business data you own it and therefore you can use it as many times as you like. 


Upon purchasing this business data you agree that you will not resell or redistribute the data purchased. The data you purchase is for the sole use of the company you represent. It is illegal to resell, share or distribute any business data purchased from us to any third party whatsoever.


To the maximum extent permitted by International law, you assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your purchase and use of this business data. Under no circumstances shall Milton Keynes Business Data, PR4CSR, TNS Business Development Ltd or any of its employees, directors, owners or representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages even if it or any of its employees, owners or representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. You agree to hold Milton Keynes Business Data, PR4CSR, TNS Business Development Ltd and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, owners, directors, agents, employees, co-brands, sister companies, partners, harmless for any claim or demand, due to arising out of your use of this business data.

Due to the nature of the sale, we do not provide refunds however we are able to email you the file seperately should you have any automatic email difficulties after purchase. 


These above terms and conditions (and any related disputes of claims) shall be governed and construed in accordance with English Law in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and upon purchasing you irrevocably agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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