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A list of 21837 companies whose Companies House registered office address was in Milton Keynes as of March 2022. 1034 company email addresses (info@,sales@) included and 941 company office landline phone numbers included. Data includes the following column header information: CompanyName, CompanyNumber, Email, Phone, RegAddress.CareOf, RegAddress.POBox, RegAddress.AddressLine1, RegAddress.AddressLine2, RegAddress.PostTown, RegAddress.County, RegAddress.Country, RegAddress.PostCode, CompanyCategory, CompanyStatus, CountryOfOrigin, IncorporationDate, Accounts.AccountRefDay, Accounts.AccountRefMonth, Accounts.NextDueDate,  Accounts.LastMadeUpDate, Accounts.AccountCategory, Returns.NextDueDate, Returns.LastMadeUpDate, Mortgages.NumMortCharges, Mortgages.NumMortOutstanding,  Mortgages.NumMortPartSatisfied, Mortgages.NumMortSatisfied, SICCode.SicText_1, SICCode.SicText_2, SICCode.SicText_3, SICCode.SicText_4, LimitedPartnerships.NumGenPartners, LimitedPartnerships.NumLimPartners, URI, ConfStmtNextDueDate, ConfStmtLastMadeUpDate, Companies House Data Last Updated Date, Date When Looked for/Obtained Email/Phone

All companies were active as of March 2022. Only limited companies with an 'Active' Companies House company status were included. Email and phone data obtained from 20/03/2022 until 12/03/2023.


Once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the business data in a .xlsx file format. The link is valid for 30 days. Buyers will receive links to download their Digital product in the Thank You page of the Checkout along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.

21837 Milton Keynes Companies

  • Business Data is in .xlsx file format which can be opened using Excel and other spreadsheet apps, such as Apple Numbers, Google Docs, and OpenOffice.

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